
Saturday 10 August 2013

Rolling In

Scenic view of winter waters tumbling in to London Bridge Ocean Beach on the eastern side of the Mornington Peninsula.

Welcome to Scenic Weekends

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The hangout for scenery junkies!
(Thank you Sallie! Loved the caption in your first link here, so I bludged it!)


  1. Beautiful quiet beach -- that's the kind I like. Thanks for hosting...glad to be here!

  2. What a beautiful photo. I can smell the wonderful, oxygenated air and hear the waves rushing in.

  3. That's a lovely shot - sometimes I miss the beach.

  4. Ohhhhhhh, I wish I was there!
    I live in the mountains, the sea, I'm missing a lot, but I can not travel, I am a person with a disability ... :-(

  5. Oh my, that's beautiful!


May you find scenic happiness this weekend.