
Saturday 6 September 2014

looking down...

view of boats and pier at Flinders...

Welcome to Scenic Weekends

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The hangout for scenery junkies!
(Thank you Sallie! Loved the caption in your first link here, so I bludged it!)


  1. A nice place and a wonderful view!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Ohhhhh, that water... so blue - I'm so longing for the sea -
    Have a great weekend, thanks for hosting

  3. Very inviting! I bet the view from the end of the pier is just as scenic! Enjoy the weekend.

  4. WOW! Mine isn't that kind of scene this week...:)JP

  5. Glorious blues and greens, Gemma. Wasn't it a lovely day this Sunday?

  6. So inviting... I hope to see the Black Sea in the next summer, who knows... Your lovely pic, view is so inviting, indeed!


May you find scenic happiness this weekend.